Finding Your Spark

How To Find Happiness In The Everyday.

In a world of kids, work, and endless to-do lists – happiness can often seem like a luxury for 'later'. But what if I told you that happiness isn't a far-off destination, but a journey you can embark on right now, today, despite your busy schedule and endless responsibilities?

Here's the truth: Happiness isn't found in the next goal, the number on the scale, or the perfectly tidy house. Instead it's found and created in a million tiny moments throughout every day.

Here are ten strategies, tailored to help you rediscover your zest for life:

Let Go of the Leaderboard: In our Insta world, it's easy to compare - who's fitter, who's busier, who's coping better. But happiness starts when comparison stops. Remember, your journey is unique. Focus on your own progress and let go of the rest.

Express Yourself: Whether it’s through a punch in our boxing class, a journal entry, or a coffee and a chat, releasing your thoughts and emotions is crucial. Turn your worries into words or actions, and let them go.

Breath of Fresh Air: Try our "Box Breathing" technique - breathe in deeply for four counts, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold again. Do this ten times. It's a simple reset for your mind and body, anytime, anywhere. At the lights, waiting for your coffee or walking the dog.

Gratitude Round: At the end of each day, take a moment to give gratitude for three positive moments or things in your day. It could be a friendly smile, a delicious meal, or making it to class on time. It doesnt have to be big. The more you do it, the easier it is.Gratitude shifts focus from what's missing to what's abundant.

Step Outside: Sunshine is nature's mood enhancer. Combine it with movement to double the benefits. A brisk walk, a light jog, or even outdoor stretching can significantly lift your spirits.

Balance Your Energy: Nutrition impacts not just your body, but your mood too. Instead of reaching for quick fixes, choose balanced snacks that keep you energised and even-keeled. Remember, food is fuel.

Share a Smile: Smiling can trigger a cascade of positive feelings. Next time you're in class, share a smile with a fellow member. It’s contagious and will brighten both your days.

Move More: Physical activity is a powerhouse for mental well-being. Whether it's a Punch Love class, a walk with friends, or dancing in your living room, find joy in movement.

Engage in Something New: Boredom can be a happiness killer. Challenge yourself with a new workout, a new recipe, or a new book. Each small achievement sparks joy.

Connect Authentically: Replace texts with calls or face-to-face conversations. Human connection is a profound source of happiness. Share your joys and challenges – we're here to support each other.

Bonus Tip: Shelve the 'Should':

Replace "I should" with "I choose to". This small shift in language empowers your actions and aligns them with your values and desires, removing guilt and obligation from the equation.Happiness isn't a one-size-fits-all or an overnight transformation. It's found in the small, daily decisions that align with personal well-being and fulfillment. At Punch Love, we believe in supporting every woman in her unique journey towards happiness. Start small, stay consistent, and remember, we're in this together.

Turn Setbacks into Comebacks: Embracing Rehab in Your Fitness Journey

Coach Liz competing following major knee injury.

Hey there, Punch Love family! Today, I want to share a personal story that underscores the power of perseverance and the importance of rehab in our fitness journeys. It's a tale of overcoming an unexpected hurdle and how integrating rehab into your regular workout can not only aid recovery but also bring surprising benefits. So, if you're facing a physical challenge or rehabbing from an injury, this story is especially for you. Let it be a reminder that every setback is an opportunity for an incredible comeback, and we at Punch Love are here to support you every step of the way!

It was just another normal Saturday, filled with the thrill of jumping horses, until an unexpected fall led to my worst injury to date - a completely ruptured ACL. This injury threw a wrench into my active lifestyle, rendering me unable to ride or work out as usual. However, my journey through recovery brought invaluable lessons, particularly about the significance of rehab exercises.

Initially, I mistook my injury for a simple strain, but an MRI revealed the harsh reality. My ACL was completely ruptured, a critical ligament that provides stability to the knee. This meant no riding, no intense workouts - a drastic change for someone like me, who lives and breathes fitness. But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. This injury allowed me to continue teaching at Punch Love, which became a sanctuary for my mental well-being during this challenging time.

My rehab journey began with a sense of devastation and reluctance. Simple isometric exercises and light strength training marked the early stages of my rehab. However, as I progressed, I started to notice improvements. My knee, once as weak as water, began to regain stability. This breakthrough was a turning point, igniting a fire within me to stick to my rehab routine religiously.

Remarkably, my consistent strength training paid off. The surgeon confirmed that I could avoid surgery, which felt like a victory sweeter than chocolate. My focus then shifted to getting back to riding, gradually increasing exercise intensity and introducing new activities like stationary bike riding.

The journey wasn’t smooth sailing; there were days of soreness and uncertainty. But the more I rode and trained, the more confident and comfortable I became in my knee's strength and stability. And then, three months post-accident, I made a triumphant return to competition, finishing an astounding 5th!

This experience taught me a crucial lesson: the importance of sticking to your rehab plan, even when progress seems slow. Trust the process and keep showing up for yourself, because that dedication is what transforms setbacks into remarkable comebacks.

For Punch Love members, I want to encourage you to bring your rehab exercises into your workouts. Don't let an injury sideline your fitness journey. Instead, use it as an opportunity to grow stronger and more resilient. Remember, we're in this together, and our team is here to support you every step of the way. So, let's turn our setbacks into comebacks and show the world what we're made of! xx Much love, Coach Liz

Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating Social Outings

With the holiday season upon us, it's easy to get swept up in the whirlwind of feasts, parties, and chill-out days. We've got your back with some top-notch tips to help you enjoy this festive season without losing sight of your fitness and wellness goals that you have been so consistent with over the last year.

Mindful Munching: Eating Smart

The Christmas season is a time of joy and, let's be honest, incredible food. Here's how to enjoy those yummy treats without overdoing it:

  • Portion Patrol: Love grandma's Christmas pudding or those festive cocktails? Absolutely have some, just keep an eye on the portion size.

  • Pick Your Favourite: Choose one thing to be your indulgence rather than some of everything.

  • Savvy Swaps: Go for roasted vegetable salad over the potato bake. Stick with veggies and dip over cheeses and pate. Shaved turkey instead of salami - Small swaps can make a big difference!

  • Eat Slow, Enjoy More: Eating slowly helps you enjoy your food more and signals when you're full. It's a win-win!

  • No Meal Skipping: Skipping meals to "save room" often backfires. Stick to your regular meal schedule to avoid overeating and risking a ‘free for all’ later

Cheers to Clever Drinking

Celebratory toasts are part of the fun, but they can add up quickly in terms of calories and next-day regrets. Here's the Punch Love way to navigate the drinks table:

  • Hydration Hero: Water is your best friend. Alternate between sparkling water and alcoholic drinks. Bonus points - fizzy water also fills you up.

  • Drink Smart: Light beer, vodka with low-cal mixers or low cal ‘fake’ spirit drinks like Naked Life are your go-to choices.

  • Limit Setters: Decide your drink limit beforehand and stick to it. Put your hand up to be the designated driver. Your future self will thank you!

Sleep: Your Secret Holiday Superpower

Never underestimate the power of a good night's sleep, especially during the busy holiday season:

  • Consistent Sleep Schedule: Try to hit the hay and wake up at your usual times.

  • Pre-Sleep Rituals: Wind down with a book or some gentle stretching instead of scrolling through your phone.

  • Sleep Sanctuary: Make your bedroom a haven for sleep – think cool, dark, and quiet.

Training: Keep It Moving

Your fitness routine doesn't need to take a holiday break. Here's how to stay on track:

  • Consistency is Key: Stick to your workout schedule as much as possible.

  • Home Fitness: Can't make it to the gym? A 20-minute home workout or a fast half hour walk is better than nothing at all!

  • Fun Fitness: Use the holiday for some fun physical activities – think family tennis, beach cricket or volleyball.

Your Punch Love Promise

We're here to support you every step of the way. Remember, it's all about balance. Enjoy the festivities, indulge a little, and stay true to your wellness journey.

Wishing you a joyful, healthy, and fabulous festive season!

The Secret to Surviving The Social Season: Embracing the Power of Consistency

I don’t know about you, but I have always found myself facing the social ‘silly’ season with great trepidation! As summer, then Christmas and then holidays roll on in, I would find myself caught in a whirlwind of get togethers all squeezed in before the year end. Inevitably I would resort to the standard “Oh well, I’ll just start again in the new year” mindset, and before I knew it,5kgs heavier and more frustrated with myself!

Creating A Journey Beyond The Scale

Creating A Journey Beyond The Scale

For many women, true well-being and progress go far beyond numbers on a scale. Recognising and celebrating non-scale victories (NSVs) is an empowering way to notice how healthy eating habits and principles are working. We Interviewed our Weightloss Mastery coach to find out just how we can recognise those wins and how do we go about tracking them?

Unlocking Your Body's Full Potential: A Weight Loss Coach For Women Who Want Lasting Results

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but with the right support and guidance, you can achieve lasting results. A weight loss coach can help you unlock your body's full potential and succeed in your weight loss journey. Here’s just some of the benefits of having a weight loss coach.

  1. Personalised Approach: A weight loss coach will take the time to understand your unique needs, goals, and challenges. They will create a personalised plan that is tailored to you and your lifestyle, ensuring that you achieve the best results possible.

  2. Expert Advice and Guidance: A weight loss coach is a trained professional who has the knowledge and expertise to help you reach your weight loss goals. They can provide advice and guidance on nutrition, exercise, and healthy habits, helping you stay on track and make informed decisions.

  3. Increased Motivation and Accountability: A weight loss coach can provide motivation and accountability, helping you stay focused on your goals. They will also celebrate your progress and help you overcome any setbacks, ensuring that you stay motivated and on track.

  4. Addresses Emotional: Eating Many people turn to food as a way to cope with emotions, which can lead to weight gain. A weight loss coach can help you address emotional eating, teaching you healthier coping mechanisms and helping you break the cycle.

  5. Saves Time and Money: Trying to lose weight on your own can be time-consuming and costly. A weight loss coach can save you time and money by providing a structured plan, reducing the need for trial and error.

  6. Achieves Lasting Results: A weight loss coach not only helps you achieve your weight loss goals, but they also provide the tools and support needed to maintain those results for the long term. With a weight loss coach, you can achieve lasting results and maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life.

In conclusion, a weight loss coach can provide the support and guidance you need to achieve lasting weight loss results. With a personalised approach, expert advice, increased motivation and accountability, and the ability to address emotional eating, a weight loss coach is a valuable investment in your health and well-being.

Find out more about our Weight loss coaching programs

Find out more about our Boxing & conditioning training & our Personal Training here.

Punch Love Womens Fitness features 3 training studios based in Castle Hill | Annangrove - Rouse Hill | Windsor & is proud to be considered the best women’s only Personal Training & Womens gyms in The Hills & The Hawkesbury.

7 Surprising Benefits Of Weight Training For Pre-Menopausal Women

As women approach menopause, it's essential to focus on maintaining good health and wellness. While many women may associate weight training with bodybuilding or aggressive athletic pursuits, this form of exercise offers a range of benefits that are especially relevant for pre-menopausal women. Here are seven surprising benefits of weight training for this stage of life:

  1. Increased Bone Density: As women age, their bones naturally become more brittle, making them susceptible to osteoporosis and fractures. Lifting weights is a proven way to increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

  2. Better Balance and Stability: Weight training improves balance and stability, reducing the risk of falls and injury, especially as women approach menopause and hormone levels change.

  3. Improved Muscle Mass: As women age, muscle mass naturally decreases, which can lead to decreased physical function and overall weakness. Weight training can help to preserve and increase muscle mass, improving overall strength and physical function.

  4. Better Metabolism: Building muscle through weight training can boost metabolism and support weight management, especially important as women approach menopause and hormone levels change.

  5. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Exercise, including weight training, can help to manage stress and anxiety, promoting overall mental wellness during this time.

  6. Better Sleep: Regular weight training has been shown to improve hormonal balance & sleep quality, which is important for overall health and wellbeing, especially during the pre-menopausal years.

  7. Lower Risk of Chronic Disease: Incorporating weight training into a healthy lifestyle can help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers, especially during this time.

In conclusion, weight training is a fantastic form of exercise for pre-menopausal women, offering a range of benefits beyond what many women may expect. So, why not give it a try and see how it can improve your overall health and wellbeing for the rest of your life?

Punch Love Womens Fitness | Castle Hill | Rouse Hill | Windsor

How To Survive Your First Week Back At The Gym

Surviving Your First Week Back At The Gym With A Smile On Your Face!

Starting a new exercise routine can be intimidating, but it's also an exciting opportunity to improve your physical health and well-being. Here are a few tips to help you survive your first week back at the gym and still be smiling at the end of it:

  1. Start slow: It's important to ease into your new routine to avoid burnout or injury. Try starting with just a few days a week and gradually increasing your frequency as you become more comfortable.

  2. Find a workout buddy: Having a friend to exercise with can provide motivation and accountability, which can make a big difference when starting a new routine.

  3. Set realistic goals: It's important to have goals, but it's also important to be realistic about what you can achieve in a short period of time. Try setting small, achievable goals that you can work towards.

  4. Warm up and cool down: Make sure to take a few minutes to warm up before your workout and stretch afterwards to help prevent injury and soreness.

  5. Listen to your body: If you're feeling tired or sore, it's okay to take a break or modify your workout. It's important to pay attention to your body's signals and not push yourself too hard.

Remember, starting a new exercise routine is a journey, and it's important to be patient and kind to yourself as you progress. With time and consistency, you'll start to see progress and feel more comfortable back at the gym.

Punch Love Womens Fitness is Australia’s premier all womens boxing classes & conditioning gyms. Punch Love has 3 locations in NSW - Castle Hill, Rouse Hill Annangrove & Windsor. You can check out each Punch Love studio timetable here:

Plant Based Diet - What's All The Fuss?

Have you ever wanted to explore a plant based diet … but cringed at the thought of giving up your favorite foods and flavors to do it?

I know I have!

The fact is, eating more plants is great for your skin, immunity, digestion, mood, and weight – but figuring out how to make them tasty and exciting can be a major challenge. It can also be daunting changing your whole lifestyle. Find out how to ease into it here…

Here's 3 Great Reasons Women Over 40 Should Take Up Boxing ASAP

Are you over 40 and considering what exercise will get you through this next stage of your life? 40 is the new 30 ( & 50 is the new 40) and your body will love and perform better for you for this next era with just the right balance of exercise and intensity. Here's why all women regardless of fitness level should be taking up boxing as part of a weekly fitness regime.

Part Punch Love, part excerpt from ‘The Huffington Post’

Girlfriends — Boxing is for us! Yes, us, women over 40!
Consider this… We were raised never to hit, punch, or hurt anyone, especially with our fists.

We were raised to think of boxing as the brutish, aggressive domain of men. But fitness boxing isn’t about combat or competition. Fitness boxing — sometimes called non-contact boxing because you never hit another person — is simply the best cardio & strength gift we can give ourselves.

If you’ve never thought about how much fun it would be to hit that punching bag at your gym — if words such as jab, cross, hook, and uppercut aren’t in your vocabulary yet — buy or borrow a pair of boxing gloves and start boxing ASAP!

"Boxing started for me, when I noticed a friend of mine 'Checking In' at at her favourite boxing studio Punch Love.  She was posting pictures of her laughing, sweaty and having fun. To be honest she looked happy and confident in herself - something I hadn't seen in her in years. I wanted some of that too. " Julie-  Punch Love member.

So, here I am, age 46, with my own red boxing gloves and some newly found muscles, having almost too much fun at the gym! Who would have thought working out could actually be fun. I even caught myself actually laughing! At first, I kept thinking — this isn’t something I should be doing — really, is it okay to hit? — but with each jab, I overcame my reluctance as I punched my way around the room. This deeply-ingrained cultural training — girls don’t hit —prevents most women over 40 from considering boxing. But nobody is hitting me, and I’m not fighting anyone. No sweaty boxing ring is needed. I’ve got my own boxing bag and gloves and as I’m learning the techniques of boxing from my coach, I’m appreciating the beauty in the sport, especially the athleticism it requires.

In boxing, power starts in the hips, requiring muscles I never knew I had to serve a purpose, linking hands and hips in a rhythm. Here are three big reasons you should start boxing today if you haven’t already:

1. Physical: From the first moment you throw a punch, you are breathing heavily, heart pumping, arms, chest, shoulders, core, and legs working in unison. Boxing can burn over 500 calories/hour, builds lean muscle, develops stamina and endurance, and triggers the metabolism. As we age, we lose muscle mass, strength, flexibility, and balance. Boxing reverses all this, giving us back what we lose, developing hand-eye coordination and entire body strength. For women over forty, boxing is one of the most complete cardiovascular and resistance workouts you can do ... and it is fun!

2. Mental: Boxing forces women out of our comfort zone, overcoming fears, and requiring 100 percent mental concentration. It is demanding and strategic, stimulating new parts of our brain, challenging our minds and bodies. The research on successful aging urges us to learn something new, strategic, and to keep testing ourselves with new sequences and moves. Sure we can push our minds doing Sudoku and crossword puzzles, learning new foreign languages, even attempting to learn new card games, but boxing is both physical and mental. To box is to be steeped in rhythm and movement, coordinating the swing of hips, the swivel of feet, and the power of the arms. It is exhausting, exhilarating, fun, and immensely rewarding. I swear when I walk out the door I'm 10ft tall and bulletproof. Any problems in my world have melted away and I feel like I could take on the world.

3. Spiritual: Boxing, like meditation, focuses attention and calms the mind. When boxing, my mind unplugs from day to day schedules and family responsibilities, from the noise and chatter of the outside world, the ping of the phone and the distraction of social media. I have never been more present in my life than at boxing.

“My new friends at Punch Love say their daily boxing classes are like therapy. Some days its anger management, other days its counselling or meditation… sometimes a day spa - 1 hour of me time.

Punch Love is for women of all ages, no mirrors, no men and all fitness levels can join and join in.  If you'd like to find out how you too can make the most  of the best stage in your life simply connect with us here .  We run over 90 womens boxing fitness classes a week across three studios - Annangrove in the Hills, Castle Hill and Windsor in the Hawkesbury region of NSW.  

Join Punch Love

Check out our timetable

How Punch Love gave me a 2nd chance and saved my life.

Why I brought my daughter to Punch Love

She would have been about 4 when I first joined. The first challenge of no creche, also turned out to be the first opportunity for some lessons.

Overt Lesson #1: "Learn to entertain yourself for 50 minutes, manage your own boredom and exercise some patience".

Covert Lesson #1: "Mums are people too and making time for physical health and wellbeing is important and should be normalised".

Overt Lesson #2: "Exercise is fun and joyous and empowering!"

Covert Lesson #2: " Gyms don't have to smell like testoserone, anxiety or egos!"

She spent many, many 50 minutes, I suspect, quietly absorbing the powerful, supportive and body-positive energy, that effortlessly exists in the carefully and beautifully curated Punch Love space.

Boxing was "my thing" and dancing was hers. When she turned 12, I was surprised to hear she no longer wanted to do dancing. Her friends were quitting and she was no longer interested in performing. As she catapults towards teenage-hood, I found myself with a young woman who had no interest in team or individual sports, that now also had no desire to continue with her only real physical activity.

"Well you have to pick something to do" I say.

"Can I do boxing?" she says.

"Umm, I think so" I reply.

A quick call to Nik, confirms that, "yes", a 12 yr old Punch Lover is absolutely possible!

Her technique class, warmly and expertly delivered by Dido confirmed all my suspicions that this was the absolutely perfect place to immerse a girl on the verge of womanhood.

Our first session together was a Saturday boxing followed by a yoga class. It was no surprise to me that she loved them both!

I started to reflect on the messaging that is skillfully woven into each class, and compared it to what she'd been absorbing for years in dance class..

Dancing: "Point your toes", "keep better time", "straighten your legs!"

Punch Love Boxing: "Great job!", "you're awesome at that", "that's your super power!"

Punch Love Yoga: "let go of judgement of yourself and others", "If this works for you...", "take this to where it feels right"

It's not just the structure of the class that lends itself to creating an environment of positivity and encouragement, but also the informal banter of women with a common goal, to either maintain or improve their fitness in a connected and safe space. Women of all ages, shapes, fitness levels bond, before and after class around their efforts, their challenges and their personal wins.

As a mum who is constantly trying to hold back the tide of social media pressures and unrealistic expectations, I'm so relieved to be able to expose my girl to a place that says, "You are awesome exactly as you are". "your efforts are the reward!" and "a strong, healthy body is a great goal - but the body you have right now deserves celebrating".

We all know and talk about the pressures faced by young women and how they see them self. For my family, Punch Love has become a place where women's well being is expertly celebrated, supported and encouraged. Why wouldn't I take my daughter there?!

By Kelley Griffin

Absolute Beginners Guide To The Core

Absolute Beginners Guide To The Core

dido side plank laugh.jpg

The Core is THE most important region of the body and for most of us we don’t really know what it does or why it’s even essential.
The core is the foundation for your movements each and every day. It allows mobility of the upper & lower body, ( sitting and standing up)directing power to your limbs (running, lifting and pushing) & stabilising your ribcage, spine and pelvis as we move about. There is not a movement that doesn’t engage the core. The core also protects us against the stress of those daily movements & any external force exerted on them. (sports and activities like boxing where impact on the bag for example requires the body to stabilise, brace & create motion with power)

Strong core muscles generate the strength, stability & mobility needed to carry out every day activities:

  • like carrying bags of groceries,

  • walking up stairs,

  • getting in the car and bending to pickup objects , turning & lifting them up onto shelves.


Core Mobility / Core Stability / Core Strength


This is the movement of your spine and hips. There are 5 movement patterns involved. Isometric / flexion / extension/ side flexion & rotation

  • Core mobility encourages natural range of movement and increases flexibility

  • Promotes relaxation and tension relief

  • Aligns the body and improves posture

  • Improves muscle activation

  • Increases stability and strength

  • Decreases the risk of pain and injury


  • Rollups from lying on back into sitting position/ Hip rolls – dropping knees from side to side / Wood chopper diagonal, cross body movement / back extension


  • Good core mobility ensures your body will move with fluidity and flexibility during your boxing training. Without good mobility, muscles become overused in some areas and under used in other areas eventually causing injury.

  • Core mobility allows mobility for greater height and hip rotation in kicks, shoulder mobility to perform conditioning exercises like push-ups and skipping

  • ensures balance for the upper and lower torso and limbs and creates a solid base to generate power from with both kicks and punchwork.



Is your body’s ability to be able to control the position and movement of your trunk to improve posture and efficiency of arm and leg movement. Core stability training targets the deeper muscles of your core, hips and spine to create a base for support. There are 3 main muscles in use here: Multifidius, Transverse Abdominis and Pelvic Floor.

Let’s make it easy to understand… Imagine a cylinder as your lower torso – transverse at the front, multifidius at the back and the pelvic floor as the base.

During most types of movements these three are in action to stabilise your lumbar spine ( lifting, bending, sitting, twisting walking running and jumping) while the glutes and quads work to stabilise the pelvis.

Have you ever had lower back issues? Back issues can occur when one or all these muscles are not stable or strong.

  • Core Stability improves posture

  • Resists unwanted spinal movement

  • Provides stability and support for daily activities

  • Helps improve limb movement

  • Improves sports performance

Stability Movements

  • Bird dog / Plank / Bridge/ Toe taps / Leg Circles


  • Improves the precision of your punches

  • Allows you to improve your kick height and power

  • Increases the speed of punches with better transfer of force from the hand to the bag.



Good Core Strength means you’re able to perform more challenging physical tasks / movements that demand good form and control. The key here is to remember that core connection -a foundational movement found in our Stronger To The Core Guide , and core stability are required first before building on strength. Going straight to core strength exercises without any core connection can weaken the core and have the opposite result.

This is important because building core strength requires you to push your core muscles beyond their normal demands or by holding positions to build endurance strength- remember the greater the force applied the greater amount of core muscle engagement required - If you do not have the mobility and stability of the core region and associated muscles it is easy to weaken the lower back and cause other muscles to over compensate in the movements.

  • Core strength enhances your all round body strength and function

  • Allows you to perform daily tasks easily

  • Improves balance and stability

  • Increases speed and agility

  • Helps increase power of your movements

  • Improves sporting performance

  • Creates lean muscle tone

Strengthening Movements

  • V -sit and leg raises/ adding equipment like weights / med balls & fitball to movements exercises


  • Improves your training endurance.

  • Muscles tire less quickly and are more efficient

  • Able to increase the training intensity, adding in further challenging options and equipment

Isn’t the CORE an amazing piece of machinery! Without it, we simply could not exist. There are many articles and exercises that talk about better abs and having a stronger core - but very few address WHY we need a stronger core or better abs. We hope this article has given you some insight in to the powerful benefits of working this amazing muscle group.

Remember to stay connected to your core in all your movements - especially during your boxing classes. The more demand you place on your core, the more attention you should be paying to it in training. Listen out for your coach giving you the cue to GET READY… this is your cue to zip up your core, relax your shoulders & brace through your torso transferring your weight easily from one side of your body to the other as you punch!

Have you read our article on The Benefits Of Boxing Yet?

Absolute Beginners Guide To Boxing For Women


3 Important reasons why women should be boxing as part of a weekly regime.

Girlfriends — Boxing is made for us women!  As children we were raised to speak when we were spoken to. To swallow our anger because it wasn't becoming of a woman. To hide our frustration and most certainly never to lash-out... or hit back.

And that... is why boxing is made for us. Its a place where we can release our anger, deal with our frustrations and really HIT something while having FUN at the same . Its a therapy of sorts and it feels damn good too!

Boxing classes aren’t about competition or physical contact in fact its completely non-contact and all about you - there is no sharing bags, no men watching and no need for experience. Boxing can be for absolute beginners in fitness and in experience.

Boxing has been the fitness choice for centuries, reaching as far back as Roman times.

Passing all fitness fade tests, boxing is simply the best cardio & strength training we can give ourselves.

There is nothing more rewarding than hitting a bag — if words such as jab, cross, hook, and uppercut aren’t in your vocabulary yet — they should be! Beg, borrow or buy a pair of gloves because those bags have your name written all over them!

"I started boxing not long after I saw a friend of mine was 'Checking In' at this place called Punch Love.  She was posting pictures of her laughing, sweaty and having fun. I couldn't even believe you could laugh while working out and to be honest she looked happy and confident in herself - something I hadn't seen in her in years. I wanted some of that too. " Julie-  Punch Love member.

Here are three big reasons to start boxing today- especially if you’re an absolute beginner:

1. Physical: From the first moment you learn to throw a punch, your breathing increases, heart pumps, arms, chest, shoulders, core, and legs working in unison. Boxing burns over 500 calories/hour especially when you’re an absolute boxing beginner. Over time you’ll build lean muscles, develop stamina and endurance, and trigger the metabolism so it'll burn baby burn all day!

As we age, we lose muscle mass, strength, flexibility, and balance. Boxing reverses all this, giving us back what we lose, developing hand-eye coordination and entire body strength. For women, boxing is one of the most complete cardiovascular and resistance workouts ... and it is FUN.

2. Mental: Boxing forces women out of our comfort zone, overcoming fears, and requiring 100 percent mental concentration. Think of it just like learning a new language. As an absolute beginner, initially it’ll be mentally challenging, stimulating new parts of our brain, challenging our minds and bodies to work together.

The research on successful aging urges us to learn something new and to keep testing ourselves with new sequences and moves. Sure we can push our minds doing Sudoku and crossword puzzles, but we love boxing because it’s both physical and mental.

To box is to take on a rhythm and movement, coordinating the hips, activating those new found core muscles, the swivel of feet, and the power of the arms. It is exhausting, exhilarating, rigorous, and immensely rewarding. When you walk out the door you’ll feel 10ft tall and invincible. Any problems in your day have melted away and you’ll have the confidence to face the next day with ease.

3. Spiritual: Boxing, like meditation, focuses attention and calms the mind. When boxing, your mind unplugs from a busy world, with day to day schedules and family responsibilities, from the noise and chatter of the outside world, the ring of the phone and the distraction of social media. You will never been more present in your life than at boxing.

A boxing class at Punch Love is like therapy. Some days its anger management, other days its counselling or meditation. Preparing for class, wrapping up and getting gloves on calms the mind, fine tunes the senses... you’re ready to spend an hour on yourself.

Punch Love is for women of all ages, no mirrors, no men and all fitness levels can join and join in. 

Guide to Getting Started

I’ve never done boxing before, is that ok? Our classes are designed to allow everyone to work out at their own pace, especially if you’re new. If it’s your first time you’ll start with our Technique Class to learn the ropes.

What is a Technique Class?
Our technique class is for everyone joining us- whether you’re an absolute beginner or just new to Punch Love. It ensures we get to know your body’s abilities and limitations and you get to know our punch work and class structure. You’ll get to meet your coach and ask any burning questions. You’ll also get your own pair of gloves and wraps, learn how to use our equipment and the correct punches to get the most out of your training.

When you click Join Now - Susie will contact you to book your technique class. Susie is your go to girl for everything in your first month.

What Should I Wear?

Comfort and ease of movement is the key here. There’s no special clothes or expectations. Our goal is for you to FEEL comfortable. Just bring water and a towel and your gloves and wraps you received when you joined.

What Does My First Class Look Like?

When you book in for your first proper class after technique your coaches will be already excited to meet you. Your coach will introduce you to some of our friendly members who will be your buddies and show you the ropes. There’s nothing better than a friendly face in those first few classes. Our studios are setup with individual punch pods- This means you will have a bag and mat all to yourself for a whole class. It's your training, your bag and at your pace.

Warm-up starts at the class start time. The coach guides you through the program introduction, warmup and mobility exercises to make sure your body is ready to go. Then its on to some bag warmup and the program its self. The class is a total of 50 mins. The program is the same for a whole week. It's the best way to familiarise yourself and to see improvement as you progress through the week. We finish with cool down and equipment wipe down.

What Punches Will I Be Using As A Beginner?

We like to keep things simple.

Starting with the beginners foot stance depending on whether you are left or right handed.

Followed by our 4 basic punch types.

Jab/ Cross -straight left right punch at chin height

Hooks - upper rib height to the side of the bags with elbows out

Body Rip/Uppercuts - gloves turned palms up and in a body rip movement bring the gloves in and out at lower rib level

Backfists - stand sideways to the bag with elbow at shoulder height, strike using the side fist of your glove.

Like any language as you learn the basics you’ll learn how to put those punches together in some really fun combinations ( just like sentences). As a beginner to boxing, Dido our technique coach always say - if in doubt just jab cross! There is no wrong in one of our classes!

If you’d like to join us for a Absolute Beginners Boxing Class head here for the next classes available

We run over 70 womens boxing classes a week across Castle Hill, Rouse Hill and Windsor, Richmond in the Hawkesbury NSW.   Check out our womens boxing class timetables here.

We have some amazing women who have shared their boxing journeys in video testimonials. Watch them here


Here's 4 signs your gloves may be preventing you from getting your best workout.

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Are your gloves starting to look like a worn out stuffed toy? Your boxing gloves are the key to an awesome Punch Love workout. But it may be time for a new pair… and here’s why…
The human hand is an extremely delicate and intricate part of the human body. The hand has twenty-seven bones that are susceptible to injury if not protected properly. Look after your gloves and protect your hands with the right pair.
#1 Torn Inner or Outer layer : If the leather or synthetic upper or inner of your gloves have torn, the padding of your gloves can be exposed. This means the hand cage is compromised and quickly loses the protection that its design is made for.

#2 Smelly Gloves: Another reason to replace your boxing gloves is if they have a persistent bad smell or odour. Eventually boxing gloves and other training gear can get smelly. Odour can get trapped deep inside the padding of the gloves. Take a little sniff inside… if you can’t bare it, chances are neither can your class buddies ;) It’s time to get rid of them.

#3 The Velcro Is Worn Out: All velcro eventually looses its stickiness at some point. You don’t want your gloves to be slipping off mid class. It is important that they’re secured properly for wrist support. If your velcro is wearing out, change them over.

#4 Length of time: Most boxing gloves last 1 -2 years doing 1 - 2 classes a week. If you train hard & regularly, you can expect to replace your boxing gloves every 6- 12 months. So, if you’ve passed that milestone & training hard with the same gloves for over a year, consider refreshing your equipment.

Go With Quality If You Want Your Gloves To Last: Price is a good indicator of value to a certain extent when choosing a pair of gloves. While you don’t need to go overboard and get the best boxing gloves available on the market, choosing a better than average boxing glove is a good call if you want them to last. More expensive boxing gloves are typically made of leather or high quality synthetics, and these materials are less prone to tearing or wearing quickly. While many cheaper glove options may actually last a decent amount of time, they often don’t offer the same level of protection and wrist support as the higher quality options like the PUNCH Black Diamond & AAA. Of course these sell at the mid- higher end of the scale ( unlike the cheaper versions found at places like Rebel Sport), but there are a couple good reasons why they are worth spending the extra dollars on. Punch invest time and money into research and development creating hand crafted gloves. From the material to the quality of stitching, they are a cut above your average pair of boxing gloves.

It’s worth it to spend a little more on gloves and get a product that will last and look after your hands longer.

Once you have a shiny new pair of gloves, you can help extend out their lifespan:

  • Using an anti bacterial spray

  • Use a fan to dry out your gloves after training, or hang them on the line.

  • Store your boxing gloves in a cool, dry place after drying them.

Bacterial Spray: Wipe down your boxing gloves with a bacterial spray or wipe sheets after class. Sweaty gloves attract bacteria and its the bacteria buildup that causes your gloves to smell.

Dry Your Gloves: After you wiped your gloves inside and out, dry the inside of them. A quick dry with the hair dryer, a blow fan or outside in the sunshine ( peg out on the line)

Store Your Gloves in a Cool, Dry Place: After you have let your gloves dry, make sure to put them away in a cool and dry place. Don’t throw them into your gym bag until they have dried properly.


So drop the hint this Christmas… a shiny new pair of gloves under the Christmas tree could be the perfect gift. Place your order with Santa & throw those old smelly ones in the bin tonight ;)

5 Ways to Adjust Your Workout If You’re Dealing With Anxiety

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This article lept out at me this morning… I read it and thought of you all. The article has some really useful tools that might help us all deal with the additional stresses we have found at this time.


In today’s world, stress and anxiety are high. It’s easy to understand why. “Dealing with a global pandemic is stressful,” says Erin Reynolds, PsyD, a clinical sports neuropsychologist. “People are worried about their own health and the safety of loved ones, particularly those in a higher risk category.”

Many people are now thinking twice about even the most basic errands. “Everything we do these days has an added layer of stress around it,” notes Grace Dowd, LCSW. “If we see friends, we have to stress about where to meet up; if we go to work, we stress about losing our job; if we go to the store there is a stress of contamination. This stress eventually piles up and creates generalized anxiety, which can be difficult to recognize and manage without proper tools.”

One unexpected area where that anxiety can crop up is your workouts. Maybe not in ways you’d initially notice or expect. Here, mental health pros and expert trainers outline how anxiety can affect your fitness efforts, plus how to adapt your routine for today’s times.

HOW ANXIETY IMPACTS YOUR WORKOUTS Feeling anxiety (or even just extra stress) may alter your sweat sessions in a variety of ways — from obvious to subtle.

Heart pounding during your gentle warmup? Anxiety can cause a variety of physical symptoms like increased heart rate, shallow breathing, light-headedness and increased perspiration, according to Dowd. “These symptoms can certainly affect one’s physical performance during exercise.” In particular, a person with anxiety is likely to have their heart rate spike earlier in their workout due to their baseline heart rate already being at a heightened state, she explains. This may mean you’re not able to work out as intensely as usual that day.
“There’s some research that suggests chronic psychological stress may impair muscle recovery and somatic sensations — think perceived energy, fatigue and soreness over a 96-hour period,” Reynolds says. What does that mean in real-world terms? “People experiencing anxiety should be more mindful about their recovery periods to avoid injury. Incorporating active recovery days is beneficial so that the body isn’t over-taxed, but you still get the psychological benefits of exercise.”

Unfortunately, research shows people with anxiety tend to be more sedentary. “This could be due to social anxiety, which could make it more difficult for someone to physically go to the gym,” Reynolds points out. “In the COVID-19 era, anxiety around cleanliness and hygiene could also make it difficult for someone to feel comfortable in the gym setting.”

“Individuals experiencing anxiety may have a harder time finding enjoyment out of their workouts,” Dowd says. “They may find themselves in ‘analysis paralysis’ by over analysing all of the possible workout options out there and find themselves unable to decide which one feels best for them.”


Here’s the good news: if you’re dealing with anxiety, exercise can help. “Having a consistent exercise routine will reduce levels of anxiety, improve focus and improve sleep, which will assist in the restorative recovery process,” says Hillary Cauthen, PsyD, an executive board member for the Association for Applied Sport Psychology.

“Exercise makes you feel good, gives you an endorphin release, helps reduce muscle tension, and diverts what you’re thinking about so you focus less on the things that are causing anxiety,” adds Kia Khadem, a clinical exercise physiologist, nutritionist and online personal trainer.

Here are some pointers for finding the best workout to help with your anxiety.


“The best type of workout for someone with anxiety is anything they actually enjoy and will keep doing,” Reynolds says. “Exercise should serve as a diversion from stress and anxiety, and it should also be an enjoyable experience. For some, that may be BOXING three times a week, when for others it is yoga on the weekend. Everyone will have a different ‘best’ option.”


“Physical symptoms associated with more intense cardio workouts (increased perceived heart rate, shortness of breath, lightheadedness), can be similar to how some people experience more intense anxiety or panic,” Reynolds points out. “In those cases, research suggests it may be best to start with something less intense like yoga or walking; however, experiencing those symptoms during a positive experience like exercise can also help to decrease those symptoms during acute anxiety experiences.”

In other words, getting used to anxiety-like sensations in a non-threatening situation makes them feel less scary when they’re happening because of anxiety. In any case, Reynolds recommends touching base with a therapist (an online one, if necessary) if this is happening to you.


“The majority of research shows that aerobic exercise is fantastic for anxiety,” Khadem says. Whether you opt for biking, swimming, running or something else depends on your preference. The key is to raise your heart rate in a way that feels comfortable for you. “Everybody will respond slightly differently to different intensities and different modalities.”


Yoga and other mindfulness-related activities, such as a mindful walk, may be especially beneficial for people with anxiety,” Dowd says. “They bring us out of our fight-or-flight mode and into the present moment.”


If you’re having trouble getting started with (or getting back to) exercise because of anxiety, Dowd recommends taking manageable steps to approach it rather than avoiding it altogether. “Notice your anxiety and label it for what it is — an emotion that comes and goes. With gradual exposure, we can decrease the anxiety around exercise. Be willing to seek out help from a therapist or personal trainer who can help you navigate some of the stressors that arise when it comes to exercise.”

5 Tricks to get your winter workout mojo back

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To me winter is a glorious time of year. Crisp mornings & clear skies. It means ugg-boots, fluffy throw rugs and slow burning fires that warm the house to toasty levels. I love nothing more than curling up with my favourite book in my pj’s as soon as the sun has disappeared ( and sometimes sooner if I’m to be totally honest). All of these lovely things come naturally during the shortest months of the year. I’m a firm believer in honouring the natural cycles of our body and for me winter brings an unavoidable need for hibernation.  There is nowhere I’d rather be than snuggled up at home by the fire, which means that training has been a struggle. Workout gear Vs my velvet throw…? We all know which is more delicious right!. As for the shorter days? They too play to our hibernation desires and by 5pm I’m exhausted and drawn to my home cave which means setting off for my 6pm boxing session feels more like midnight.

Winter basically makes fitness harder, there is no doubt about it. There is no summer arms to display, swimming pools to luxuriate in and no need to work toward those goals right? Summer is but a figment of our imagination. So yes, motivation drops with the temperature.

So I thought I’d share some recent thoughts I’ve been exploring and quietly putting into practice. It’s the things we do while no one is watching that makes us constant, consistent, in control and ultimately a seeker and achiever of our dreams.  I hope they inspire in some way, after all, helping you along your own fitness journey is ultimately what Punch Love sets out to do :)


The first 15 minutes of a work out are the most challenging,… (actually I lie- its the 60 mins before the workout as well but there’s more to come on that) after that I actually begin to enjoy whatever exercise I am doing. And yet, so often the prospect of an entire hour of training feels too long and absolutely impossible. I deceive myself if I’m going to class by saying I just have to walk in the door - If I want to leave I absolutely can. Give yourself permission. If I’m do weights I say I’ll only go for 15, a quick 15 minute blast seems so much more achievable than my whole work-out. Once I get through that first round or set, the rest flies by. In all the times I’ve tricked myself like this,  I have never once actually left boxing or the gym after 15 minutes. Simply showing up is all it takes.


An hour or two before the workout, I embark on a wave of excuses. They become more and more real the closer to leaving time. When the clock strikes, I am one excuse away from faking an injury, or a fur baby in dire need of my undivided attention. It’s ridiculous, but then again, push ups and boxing training are my love, my business and what I live for. I spend a fair amount of time doing these very things,working it and as my hobby so it can be hard to stay inspired when it is every day. The good news is, doing it everyday has become so much like brushing my teeth that even when I don’t want to… I just do. The mind is still going on with the excuses but the bod is already halfway through the training.  I truly find that the less I feel like the training, the better I feel after going. When I’m most lethargic is when I need most to go. I strut out of class with a new and improved confidence; my head high and my shoulders back & I’ve convinced myself I am indeed wonder woman!


I’ve really minimised the length of my work-outs over the last few years. Previously, I’d consider 2 classes in a row, boxing and weights, add maybe a yoga class or pilates. A couple of hours of work, which was also quite time consuming. I really believe these longer sessions are harder to maintain. They get boring and being the busy humans we are, there simply isn’t the time. You must prioritise exercise as a habit and not a hobby, in the same way we might buy electric toothbrushes for brushing efficiency, the same must be mirrored in our workouts. I go to the gym 5 or 6 days a week for an hour that speeds by once I get started. These higher intensity sessions are more invigorating, more feasible and more rewarding. A Punch Love training will bag a ton of burnt calories, increase your cardio capacity, build heart health, garner bone strength from impact bag work and develop luscious lean muscles. What’s not to love about a quick but effective training session!


In winter you need a little more LOVE: sleep, supplements, water & my friend, coffee. Winter also makes us hungrier ( storing energy) This is usually the area where I go astray. A bottle or two of bold Hunter Valley shiraz, after dinner chocolates, rich casseroles and crusty bread. This year I’m committed to doing things differently. I’m loving my body differently. There’s a glass of wine to last the night & to savour the flavour, a square of dark velvety chocolate and rich bodied soups with rice and quinoa instead. I’m not missing out but I’m not going overload and then regret having it. Life is too short to miss out or regret! Eat well, sleep well & fuel well will propel you into your active-wear and off to the gym.


If you don’t indulge once a week, you won’t be able to sustain your good habits. The buzz word is balance. You must eat whatever you like and sleep for as many hours as you’d like without feeling guilty. I read that french women do this without guilt once a week. I dedicate Sunday to this, I’ll eat bread, take leisurely drives and sip cappuccinos, take naps and read the rest of the day away. Consistent restrictions are not healthy over the long term, the gym and clean eating are habits to enhance your life. You must experience the indulgences you fought all week long. They are necessary, be so good that you can enjoy being very indulgent every so often. It is called balance and believe it or not, it’s absolutely necessary and incredibly beneficial.

So the cycle of hibernation will be done before you know it. Keep your energy moving forward while honouring the seasons and cycles. Spring is coming :) xxx Nik

Farmer Dave’s Youth-At-Risk program - RuffTRACK lined up for some Punch Love bag therapy

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We’ve all been doing it tough of late. And while it’s easy to get caught up in all the challenges we all have, it feels really good to be able to give back to a local community group that has also been doing it rough.

During our COVID closure we featured an interview with Farmer Dave from RuffTRACK, a local group with an awesome youth program. RuffTRACK take on young people between 13-17 who have disengaged with the world around them and give them skills, education, a sense of self worth by reconnecting them with their community and making a real change in young people's lives.

​What we love is, each young person is given the responsibility of a dog to bond with and care for. That partnership takes them on a journey of learning responsibility, caring for others and communicating without violence. The team then travels the country demonstrating their skills and giving them purpose and a reason to give life a serious go.

The young crew learn about dog training, dog sports, horticulture, landscaping, welding, fabrication, animal husbandry, wood work, driving and licence attainment, carpentry, mechanics, bushcraft, domestic skills, nutrition ,physical education, effective communication, conflict resolution, building healthy relationships..... and a whole lot more! Punch Love member & program support worker, Georgia Cherrie absolutely loves her job. ‘ The best part of the program is watching opportunities open up for them. They get opportunities that they just wouldn’t normally have as a disengaged youth. I love that we really change peoples lives”.

The RuffTRACK team have been doing it tough. COVID has seen the cancellation of programs and events like the Easter show and Ag shows around the country that they would normally train their dogs for. Like many of us, they too are struggling to find a new normal and a sense of purpose in their daily routine.

As we all know, there is nothing better than a good dose of bag therapy to get us mentally and physically reconnected. Along the way we have donated a bag and some gloves, but last week the RuffTRACK youths, farmer Dave and Georgia joined us in studio for a boxing master class with boxing coach Mick Pritchatt. The group were full of energy and eager to try everything Mick threw at them. They could be heard chattering as they headed back to the farm’ he said my hooks are the best… my jabs were on point…. I nailed it… I’m stuffed LOL. Everyone had fun and a little birdie tells us the team were very calm & focused when they got back to RuffTRACK - everyone loves some bag therapy ;)


Celebrating International Womens Week With Local Hero Nicole Leotta

Nic & her daughter  Christine- are avid Punch Love fans!

Nic & her daughter Christine- are avid Punch Love fans!

We’d like to introduce you to our local Rouse Hill G.P, Punch Love member and all round awesome chick - Dr Nicole Leotta.
PL: Nic, How long have you been a part of the Hills community

NL: I moved to Glenorie at age 9 & despite a brief time during my Uni days when I lived in town, I have lived in The Hills for most of my life.

PL: Tell us about your business - You’re so passionate about your work. We’d love you to share with our community that passion!
NL: I am a local GP/ Women’s Health Specialist at Rouse Hill Womens Health Clinic on Annangrove Road. My main focus and passion is for women and children’s health.

I’m so proud of the clinic. It’s a place where all women can get access to obstetrics shared care, effective contraception, and general women’s health advice in a friendly and judgement free environment.

What I love about my job is that I get to connect with women at all stages of their lives.  I help carry them through from contraception, to family planning, having their baby and then on to menopause.  Plus the women bring their babies back in for going care – (and for me to cuddle), so I feel I am connected to and have played a small part in the health and well being of whole families. 

I am also very proud of the women who have taken on my shared passion of boxing. Many of my clients have also taken up boxing at Punch Love and are changing their lives, health and fitness.

PL: When did you join PL and what do you like most about it.

NL: I joined Punch Love 3 years ago and now my sister and daughter are also members!  What I love most about Punch love is being able to take my frustration, fears and general upsets out on the bags. It’s a healthy way to release the tension we as women/mothers/ care givers often carry without taking it home to family.  Thanks Punch Love #my release!

Would you like to know more about Punch Love? Download our free INFO PACK and find out what all the buzz is about!