4 Signs Your Gloves Are Getting In The Way Of Your Best Workout

Are your gloves starting to look like a worn out stuffed toy?

Your boxing gloves are the key to an awesome Punch Love workout. But it may be time for a new pair… and here’s why…

The human hand is an extremely delicate and intricate part of the human body. The hand has twenty-seven bones that are susceptible to injury if not protected properly. Look after your gloves and protect your hands with the right pair.
#1 Torn Inner or Outer layer : If the leather or synthetic upper or inner of your gloves have torn, the padding of your gloves can be exposed. This means the hand cage is compromised and quickly loses the protection that its design is made for.

#2 Smelly Gloves: Another reason to replace your boxing gloves is if they have a persistent bad smell or odour. Eventually boxing gloves and other training gear can get smelly. Odour caused by bacteria can get trapped deep inside the padding of the gloves. Take a little sniff inside… if you can’t bare it, chances are neither can your class buddies ;) It’s time to get rid of them.

#3 The Velcro Is Worn Out: All velcro eventually looses its stickiness at some point. You don’t want your gloves to be slipping off mid class. It is important that they’re secured properly for wrist support. If your velcro is wearing out, change them over.

#4 Length of time: Most boxing gloves last 1 years doing 1 - 2 classes a week. If you train hard & regularly, you can expect to replace your boxing gloves every 6- 12 months. So, if you’ve passed that milestone & training hard with the same gloves for over a year, it’s time to refresh your equipment.

Go With Quality If You Want Your Gloves To Last: Price is a good indicator of value to a certain extent when choosing a pair of gloves. While you don’t need to go overboard and get the best boxing gloves available on the market, choosing a better than average boxing glove is a good call if you want them to last. More expensive boxing gloves are typically made of leather or high quality synthetics, and these materials are less prone to tearing or wearing quickly. While many cheaper glove options may actually last a decent amount of time, they often don’t offer the same level of protection and wrist support as the higher quality options like the PUNCH Black Diamond & AAA. Of course these sell at the mid- higher end of the scale ( unlike the cheaper versions found at places like Rebel Sport), but there are a couple good reasons why they are worth spending the extra dollars on. Punch invest time and money into research and development creating hand crafted gloves. From the material to the quality of stitching, they are a cut above your average pair of boxing gloves.

It’s worth it to spend a little more on gloves and get a product that will last and look after your hands longer.

Once you have a shiny new pair of gloves, you can help extend out their lifespan:

  • Using an anti bacterial wipes followed by Activated Charcoal Glove Deodorisers

  • Use a fan to dry out your gloves after training, or leave them open to the air rather than stuffing them into your training bag.

  • Store your boxing gloves in a cool, dry place after drying them.

Bacterial Spray: Wipe down your boxing gloves with a bacterial spray or wipe sheets after class. Sweaty gloves attract bacteria and its the bacteria buildup that causes your gloves to smell.

Activated Charcoal Deodorisers: These are designed to stave off bacteria which love damp sweaty spaces. They’ll also soak up some of the moisture that bacteria love to feed on. At $20 a pr they are well worth the investment - start them with a new pair of gloves.

Store Your Gloves in a Cool, Dry Place: After you have let your gloves dry, make sure to put them away in a cool and dry place. Don’t throw them into your gym bag until they have dried properly.