Celebrating Our Punch Love Local Heros

Welcome to International Womens Week where we are celebrating local heros within our Punch Love community. They are most likely ladies you have passed on the bags but may never have met them. This week is our opportunity to highlight some of our amazing ladies as we also celebrate 6 incredible years of Punch Love in our lives. Today we’d like you to meet…


Rowena Mezzemo

Punch Love: Hi Row, let’s start by letting our ladies know how long have you been a part of the Hawkesbury & Hills community.

Rowena Mezzemo: I have been a part of the Kellyville area and in particular associated with The Rouse Hill Rhinos Rugby League Club for around 10 years now. For the past 5 years I have held the Secretary Role.

PL: Share with our ladies a little about your role at the Rugby League Club.

RM: The Club Secretary role is a huge job! It involves looking after around 500 players and 150 team officials each week through the season. This job at times can be extremely demanding but on the other hand is so rewarding for me. It covers everything from emails, correspondence, registrations, grading days, trial games, game day and liaising with the Parramatta district each week.

PL: What is it about your role that you are most passionate about?

RM: Volunteering is very rewarding! I love that I have made some of my best friends through the football community. I love that every Saturday I get to see players out in the fresh air playing sport and knowing that I have been a huge part in helping to get them there. I love that my 3 boys benefit from the time I contribute to the community and that they will also grow up to want to volunteer their time

PL: We wanted to congratulate you on the nomination of several special community awards recently. Tell us about those and what they mean to you.

RM: In 2018 I was lucky enough to be awarded the Secretary of The Year for the Parramatta District Junior League.

Off the back of that award I was also nominated for the Women of The year awards and the  NSW Rugby League Volunteer Awards for my contribution to the community. I do not do this job for the accolades but I was super proud of myself to achieve such high recognition of my time devoted to volunteering in the community. A job that I Love!

PL: Do you have a favourite quote that rings true for you?

RM:We have a saying in our home and that is “Prove Them Wrong”.

I preach this weekly to my oldest son who aspires to play NRL but just quietly this also inspires me to fulfil my role in a Rugby League Club which in most clubs is male dominated.

PL: It feels like you have been a part of our PL family forever! When did you join PL and what do you enjoy most about it.

RM: I discovered the Punch Love family just over 2 years ago and have never looked back. The Punch Love Crew are like my other family. I`m excited to get there and leave every class ready to take on my day inspired by those that have just inspired me. #MyInspiration #lifegoals #bethebestican