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The Secret to Surviving The Social Season: Embracing the Power of Consistency

I don’t know about you, but I have always found myself facing the social ‘silly’ season with great trepidation! As summer, then Christmas and then holidays roll on in, I would find myself caught in a whirlwind of get togethers all squeezed in before the year end. Inevitably I would resort to the standard “Oh well, I’ll just start again in the new year” mindset, and before I knew it,5kgs heavier and more frustrated with myself!

Does this sound familiar?
It's so easy to let our healthy habits we have worked so hard on during the year slip away amidst the tempting cocktails, Christmas parties and endless summer bbq’s. Afterall, it’s the Aussie way!

But what if I told you that this year, maintaining your training over this time could be THE key to a merrier, less stressful social period?

Let’s discuss the incredible power of consistency when it comes to your workouts, and how it can make this social ‘silly ‘ season, one of your healthiest yet!

The Power Of Consistency

  1. Stress Management: The social season can be a whirlwind of emotions and commitments. Your boxing sessions and regular exercise act as your secret weapon against stress, releasing endorphins that boost your mood and help you stay grounded.

  2. Energy Boost: Eating party foods and late-night social events can drain your energy. You'll need all the stamina you can get. Consistent workouts improve your overall energy levels, ensuring you have the vitality to enjoy every moment, guilt free.

  3. Minimising Weight Gain: Our usual social routine may include dining out or catching up with friends once a week. In this environment we are able to work towards fat loss and making transformational change. The holidays often become an endless summer of social get-togethers. Wine & happy hour out on the deck, bbq’s with family and friends who just drop in for a drink. It's easy to see how easily weight gain creeps in over the silly season. Consistency with your exercise routine and mindful eating becomes crucial to maintaining your weight and health during this time.

  4. Mental Clarity: Exercise sharpens your focus and cognitive function, and is a valuable asset when you're juggling holiday shopping lists, party planning, and work commitments. Let’s stay sharp ladies!

  5. Feel-Good Factor: Consistency in your boxing sessions will help you maintain a sense of accomplishment. That feeling of success can carry over into other aspects of your life, making you more resilient to any type of holiday stress.

Wrap Up: The holiday season is a time for joy, and there's no reason why your health and fitness goals should take a backseat. Embrace the power of consistency, and watch as your boxing training, along with mindful nutrition ( stay tuned for our next blog), not only keep you on track but also enhance your holiday experience. Remember, it's not about perfection; it's about maintaining that routine at least 80% of the time. Your 2024 self will thank you for it.

So, this silly season, let your boxing be your anchor in the social get together storm! Keep up the consistency, and you'll enter the new year feeling stronger, healthier, and ready to conquer a new challenges. Cheers to a consistent and joyful social season!